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For a time, I worked as a writer and editor for one of my favorite mystical periodicals, The Witches’ Almanac. Some of my work can be found in the following issues:
Issue 39 (Spring 2020-2021) — Stones: The Foundation of the Earth
Issue 38 (Spring 2019-2020) — Animals: Friends and Familiars
Issue 37 (Spring 2018-2019) — The Magic of Plants
Issue 36 (Spring 2017-2018) — Water: Our Primal Source
Issue 35 (Spring 2016-2017) — Air: The Breath of Life
Issue 34 (Spring 2015-2016) — Fire, the Transformer
Issue 33 (Spring 2014-2015) — Mystic Earth
Issue 31 (Spring 2012-2013) — Radiance of the Sun. My first article for the Almanac about the ancient God Mithras.
Due to an editing mishap, my pieces in Issue 34 were mis-attributed. Two of my articles were attributed to astrologer Dikki-Jo Mullen, while the others were assigned to ‘Teth Mysterium,’ an old email address of mine. The articles in question: Planetary Hours, The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Platonic Influence and Tarot Birthday Correspondences. The original, pre-edited versions of these essays can be found elsewhere on this site.
© Anthony Teth, 2019